GLW65CGCSP is a dispersion containing 65% Chromium Oxide Green in water and Glycerin.
Kobo's pigmentary dispersions are widely used in colour cosmetics due to their multiple benefits over dry pigment powders. Dry pigments tend to aggregate in formulations which can affect the color strength, gloss and opacity. The colour intensity and opacity are usually highest when the aggregate particle size is closest to the primary particle size. Kobo's pigmentary dispersions offer full colour development, improved gloss and ease of use.
GLW65CGCSP is a dispersion containing 65% Chromium Oxide Green in water and Glycerin. GLW dispersions are recommended for use in oil-in-water emulsions (e.g. BB creams) and may also be used in suspensions (e.g. aqueous gel)
Chemical Description: Chromium Oxide Green (And) Water (And) Glycerin (And) Sodium Polyacrylate (And) Cellulose Gum
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