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Telessence Breeztel

Telessence Breeztel is an active biotechnological fermentation of a microorganism found in the sea breeze near the island of Tonga, Fiji. It protects against emotional stresses. Also see: Telmeric and Mitelion

One of three actives from Lipotrue's Telessence concept, Telessence Breeztel is a microbiological ferment, which helps to reduce the effects of emotional stresses. 

Telessence Breeztel helps to reduce the release of cortisol and the expression of genes related to emotional stress, and threfore reduces the damage to DNA that occurs in response. It also boosts skin repairing mechanisms and reinforces the skin barrier integrity, resulting in increased hydration and reduction of wrinkles. 

In Vivo Data:
Increased hydration, firmness and elasticity in arms and legs
Reduced wrinkle depthand biological age

Chemical Description: Glycerin, Water, Micrococcus Lysate


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Related Applications

Skin Care

Related Functions

Active Ingredient

